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Phasellus non lorem quis erat scelerisque efficitur. Nullam mattis odio magna, vel viverra magna viverra nec. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Donec mattis fermentum diam, vitae dictum est convallis et. Aenean mauris lorem, sodales eget condimentum nec, faucibus vitae est. Fusce vulputate odio non mollis commodo. Curabitur efficitur id tellus at imperdiet. Vestibulum commodo dui non eros fringilla, eget sagittis enim placerat. Integer sed nunc leo. Donec interdum felis tortor, finibus fringilla nisi finibus id. Sed placerat, felis ut laoreet semper, nisi ante ullamcorper lacus, at tincidunt elit metus non nibh. Fusce suscipit orci est, tincidunt eleifend odio porttitor et. Aliquam ac velit non orci ullamcorper molestie at ac enim. Curabitur in placerat mi.

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Mauris dignissim efficitur magna nec pellentesque. Curabitur vulputate, ligula nec dictum tempus, metus urna aliquet nisl, sed consequat nisi nisl sit amet lectus. Integer ac ornare dui. Mauris est lacus, ullamcorper ac tellus id, ultricies volutpat nisi. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Quisque semper quis purus vel aliquam. Donec hendrerit pharetra suscipit. Fusce tristique ipsum elit, id vestibulum nibh feugiat id. Integer volutpat nibh et sem imperdiet, eget dapibus diam laoreet. Praesent feugiat nibh sed magna ullamcorper, nec viverra mi tristique. Fusce rhoncus sapien ultrices, porttitor lectus id, condimentum dui. Etiam at iaculis nisl. Duis vulputate, erat at hendrerit tristique, enim velit luctus dui, in malesuada augue ex quis elit. Maecenas libero dui, venenatis ut lorem quis, hendrerit aliquam odio. Cras sit amet faucibus erat.

Intellectual Property
Angela Sonders

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Campbell, CA 95008

(408) 244-6319


iP lawyers
for Innovative Companies

Copyright © Fountainhead Law Group 2022

Fountainhead Law Group | Intellectual Property Law Firm

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Further, please note that we cannot represent you until we know that doing so will not create a conflict of interest and we otherwise determine to accept a proposed engagement. Therefore, do not send us any confidential information about any matter that may involve you until we have agreed on a written engagement agreement.

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Ensenta logo


Ensenta, Inc. (acquired by Private Equity fund)

After linking Ensenta’s core technology innovations to its target market space, Fountainhead successfully navigated Ensenta’s patents through the Patent Office to protect their innovations and markets. Over the years, Fountainhead worked with Ensenta to successfully fend off IP attacks from competitors. These efforts culminated in a successful exit when the company was sold to a private equity firm.

PAM logo


Power Analog Microelectronics (acquired by Diodes Inc.)

Power Analog Microelectronics (PAM) was a multinational analog and mixed signal startup. Fountainhead’s expertise in analog, mixed signal, and global IP strategy helped PAM to build a comprehensive IP program to support their global marketing efforts, leading to a successful acquisition by Diodes Inc.

Summit Microelectronics logo


Summit Microelectronics (acquired by Qualcomm Inc.)

Summit’s battery charging technology changed the world. When Summit invented a charging algorithm that reduced battery charge time by orders of magnitude (“TurboCharge”), they turned to Fountainhead to protect these vital IP assets. Knowing that companies around the world would stop at nothing to “design around” Summit’s innovations, Fountainhead worked with Summit engineers to craft numerous claim strategies to make their IP as impregnable as possible. Summit was later sold to Qualcomm for hundreds of millions of dollars based in large part on their IP portfolio, portions of which was later asserted against Apple.

SAP logo


SAP is a global leader in business process software. Since the seminal Supreme Court case of Alice Corp. v CLS Bank, which significantly raised the bar for patenting business process software patents, protecting these key IP assets has been no easy task. For almost two decades, Fountainhead Law has worked with SAP to lead the field in patenting business process software patents, having successfully obtained hundreds of valid and granted patents for SAP and other clients in this nuanced and challenging technology space.

Qualcomm logo


When wireless titan Qualcomm launched its seminal patent lawsuit against Apple, from over 200,000 patents in their arsenal, they selected just 12 patents deemed capable of withstanding the rigors of Apple’s rigorous patent defenses. Fountainhead Law proudly prosecuted two (2) of the selected 12 Qualcomm patents, contributing to Qualcomm’s favorable settlement with Apple of this epic patent battle.

Microsoft logo

Software Systems​

When Microsoft’s new CEO, Satya Nadella, set out to transform Microsoft’s strategic vision, the legal team turned to Fountainhead’s broad range of expertise in software, hardware, AI, and other technologies to protect the new technology areas that Microsoft was venturing into. Fountainhead has helped Microsoft preserve the wealth of innovations along their technology roadmaps from software to AI and spanning both the analog and digital semiconductor worlds.